About Us
Twenty-four years ago, we decided to found CSP Medical Waste Solutions after noticing that dozens of sharp objects were dumped into Lake Erie. Michigan has a reputation for its Great Lakes, so we decided to start working to prevent medical waste pollution and keep Earth’s water supply as clean as possible. We strive to prevent further pollution and educate our clients to dispose of contaminants properly. At first, we worked with nursing homes and pharmacies, and now we serve a larger number of medical-related companies. Our goal is to keep our environment clean and green for future generations.
Our Company Purpose:
Our organization was formed with the goal of providing a cost-efficient service and compliance for the people who generate Medical Waste so that we can give them peace of mind that this whole area of concern is nothing to worry about. We provide a yearly schedule of dates of pick up, and we call that morning to set up a convenient time for pick up from the account. By doing this service, we allow the people who generate this product to utilize all their energy to make their business/practice be more productive therefore more profitable.
Our Company Goals:
By providing complete services to our customers, we help them reduce storage problems and cash outlays. We provide the proper size container needed for 90 days of generated medical waste. This assures air quality. We pick up timely by trained personnel that handle the material in the proper manner and document that all material picked up has been stored, transported, and destroyed properly. Presently, our material disposition is done at 2000 degrees, and air quality standards are met for the area this is done in. All residue is transported to one of 6 approved Landfills for ultimate disposition and is documented with the Federal Government. Documentation of ultimate residue is provided to the generator of all medical waste. We can assure our customers that our services are equal to or exceed all State and Federal Guidelines.
Our ultimate goal is to destroy all products with 99.99% air quality and that all residues generated can ultimately be used to generate energy or by other industries. This ultimate goal will protect the generator from any future possible lawsuits against he/she and/or heirs as stipulated in Federal Law involving licensed landfills.
We also provide sealed containers that are sterile until the first use that should be monitored for up to 90 days to prevent airborne diseases to staff and patients and assure state compliance.
Do you want to learn more? Reach out to us today!